Do you know how much time an average reader spends on a website? Less than a minute (54 seconds, to be precise).

This means your copy better be scannable and good. Otherwise, you are not going to generate any sales for your clients.

Here are some of the proven techniques to do just that:

1. Employ the AIDA model

Developed and popularized by the American advertising pioneer E. Elmo. St. Lewis in 1898, AIDA (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action) is perhaps one of the most widely used frameworks in copywriting.

Almost every copywriter I have encountered uses one or the other variations of this formula to grab the reader’s attention, build interest in the product or service they’re marketing, and eventually drive sales.

That is because AIDA aligns with the stages a customer goes through when making a purchase decision.

It acknowledges that potential customers first need to be aware of a product, then become interested in it, develop a desire, and only then can they be convinced to purchase.

Here’s how you can use the AIDA model to perfection:

2. Write in a powerful language

Have you ever been compelled to make a purchase after reading an ad that left you uncertain about the benefits of the featured product or service?

Neither do I, which is why copywriters all over the world know that they have to use powerful language to grab attention, improve CRO, and generate sales.

Another benefit of using powerful language is that it motivates the reader to take action by conveying the leader in a clear and concise manner.

Also, when you use power words in your copy, it indicates to the audience that you’re confident about the product or service you’re marketing. This makes them more likely to trust the message being conveyed.

Here are a few ways to incorporate powerful language in your copy:

3. Use the PAS model

The PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solve) copywriting framework allows you to identify your reader’s problem, agitate it so much that they realize the full extent of the issue, and then offer a solution.

This framework is highly effective because it immediately taps into the audience’s pain points and needs. This is one of the surest ways to grab anyone’s attention, as we’re naturally drawn to writing that addresses our challenges.

Here’s how you can use the PAS framework to full effect:

4. Say more with less

According to a study by Microsoft Canada, the average attention span of a person has decreased from 12 seconds to 8 seconds over the past two decades.

This means that long gone are the days when people sifted through entire blog posts to find the information they were looking for.

Everyone (including myself) now wants the information presented to them on a plate, or else I’d bounce off a website as quickly as I came.

Even Google knows this, which is why it ranks those websites high that present important info above the fold, such as in the introduction.

What am I trying to tell you here?

Get to the point ASAP!

Unfortunately, you cannot do that in your first draft, which would inevitably be full of filler content, long sentences, and weak verbs that could put off a burnt-out reader to sleep.

So, how can you convey more with less?

After writing the first draft, write another (and another, and another) unless you have come up with the most concise and compelling sentences you can think of to encapsulate the theme of the entire piece.

5. Make your offers risk-free

Why do we always buy from the person we know (and trust) even though there are hundreds of others selling the same product?

Because we know that if anything goes wrong or if we’re unsatisfied with the purchase, we can hold that person to account.

Thus, if you want to boost the effectiveness of your copy and turn readers into customers, incorporate the concept of risk-free guarantee.

Here are a few solid ways to do just that:

6. Incorporate storytelling in your copy

Humans love stories, not just because they understand them, but also because good stories let you relate with them.

Also, when you present dry, factual information in a narrative form, it becomes easier for your readers to remember and recall.

Another way stories can help brands is by helping them come across as more human and authentic, instead of another logo on their screen.

Here are some of the best ways to incorporate storytelling in your copy:

7. Create FOMO

Why do tech companies offer exclusive pre-order discounts when a new product is launched?

Why do event organizers highlight early-bird discounts or limited VIP experiences when promoting a function?

Why do e-commerce platforms run time-limited promotions (like Black Friday)?

Because all of them know that creating FOMO (fear of missing out) can generate interest, drive engagement, and boost sales.

When people feel like they might miss out on an exclusive opportunity, they’re more likely to take action right away.

Also, by helping people feel that they are subscribing to something exclusive, FOMO can help you build stronger relationships with your audience.

Sold out on the power of FOMO? Here’s how to use it in your copywriting: