Digital marketing is one of the most effective mediums for increasing sales — for every $1 invested, you can get a return of $36.

However, increasing competition, the rise of AI-based tools, and 3rd-party regulations like GDPR are making marketing personalization more challenging.

As such, marketers looking to make highly successful strategies need to stay on top of the recent trends affecting this industry.

Below you’ll find a list of the key statistics that will help you strategize, build, and implement powerful digital marketing strategies.

How big is the digital marketing industry?

How big is the digital marketing industry
Data via Statista

How much do digital marketers make?

Data via Reboot

How effective are different digital marketing channels?

How does SEO impact digital marketing success?

How does mobile usage impact digital marketing strategies?

Global Mobile Ad Spend in USD (Via Statista)

How does AI impact digital marketing?

Data via HubSpot